Pissing Girl

Sexy girls caught taking a piss

Mistress Nica found a butt plug and she used it on her slave's asshole before she went ahead and she peed into him. She then ordered him to fart for it to come out but it did not. So she whipped him some more and humiliated him for her own fun. He tried to plead with her to stop it but she turned a deaf ear towards her and went on dominating him.

Mistress Minky and her boyfriend wanted to try some kinky stuff and they did so today. She took the lead and she used her pee fetish during foreplay. He had to drink her pee and also lick her pussy as her human tissue. They both enjoyed it as it came across as nasty. They were turned on like crazy and they banged pornstars notwithstanding the fact that they had been together and been banging for years.

Mistress Ivy is the sort of person to whom nothing is off limits. Today out of boredom, she decided to try something. She tried spicing food with her pee. She started with a tiny amount so that she could find out how the food tasted. And she was amazed that it gave it a foreign taste and she could easily brag that it was an exotic taste to those who did not know.

Mistress Elisa is a naughty girl. On their way home, she made her boyfriend stop the car and watch as she peed. The mistress did not care what her boyfriend thought and he also did not care who saw her do it. All she wanted was to relieve herself and that is what she did. her boyfriend took a video to show her later on and they laughed hard about it.

Mistress Valeria wanted her boyfriend to watch what she did. She wanted to shock him because she did not want to be too predictable. She also felt that being too predictable was boring and she wanted to spice things up a little. So she used her pee to do that. She took a bowl and she peed into it as her boyfriend watched with utter shock in his eyes. But he was also turned on lowkey.

Mistress BlackDiamoond peed on this guy for no reason and she was ok with that. She did not care that he had not pissed her or done anything to her that warranted that kind of treatment. She just did it because she felt like doing it and did not want to know about anything else thereafter. It was fun for the mistress as she got to do what she wanted.

Mistress Barbie was known for her high taste. She was known to love the finer things in life and that reputation came in handy when she wanted this loser she secretly despised to drink her urine. She pretended that she wanted him to drink some expensive wine but she mixed it with her urine and she gave it to him. He loved it and told her that he wanted more.

Mistress Emili took advantage of her pee fetish to torture and to humiliate this guy for her own fun. The mistress did not care what the guy felt and so she went ahead to pee on him and make sure he drank all of her pee and that he smelled her farts. He tried to plead with her to let him go but she did not pay any attention to him.

Lady Scarlet lived next door to a loser and she took advantage of that to have fun at his expense. The mistress used her pee to dominate him and he was so helpless that he could not even resist what she wanted to do to him. He had to agree to do all that she wanted him to do and today it was to drink her pee which he did without asking any questions.

This mistress found out she was being traced and she was worried. She laid a trap for the guy who was tracing her and she caught him. She realized that he was a private detective sent to spy on her. She punished him cruelly by forcing him to drink her urine and threatening to do worse things to him if he did not tell her everything about his spy operation.

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