Pissing Girl

Sexy girls caught taking a piss

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What do you do when you want to embarrass your boyfriend? This mistress was mad at her boyfriend and she wanted to embarrass him. So she went with him to a party and then after being introduced as his girlfriend, she went ahead to pee on herself. He was shell shocked and wondered why she had done that. But she had accomplished her mission and sent him a clear message.

Slaves hate it when their mistresses make them drink pee. But this guy loves it. He loves the fact that he gets close to his mistress's snatch. He is planning to make sure that he gets close to it as he can. Then he wants to one day touch it and after that drive her wild and she will end up screwing her and then he will stop being her slave.

This slave loves drinking pee. But he made her mistress think that it was the worst thing she could do to him. He enjoyed it without letting her know

Peeing on people and making them drink the pee is what this mistress loves doing. And it is what she did to this loser who thought he had scored a great girl from the club

this mistress loves nothing better than she loves getting someone to drink her pee. She loves looking for ways to get this done

This guy was attracted to the mistress' ass. But the only way to get to it was to drink her pee. The guy agreed

This mistress loves messing with people. She pretended to be masturbating then she peed on herself and made her slave wash those clothes

This guy had never tasted pee before. He asked his girlfriend to spit into his mouth which she did. It was cool

When this mistress despises you, she degrades you. That is what she did to this guy when she pissed into his mouth and degraded him well

It was not this slave's lucky day. His mistress was mad that day and she took out her frustrations on him. She made him drink her pee without caring

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