Pissing Girl

Sexy girls caught taking a piss

All articles tagged with "Hot Piss"

Bizarrlady Jessica is a sexy mistress wearing black fishnet stockings that has to piss! She makes her slave Joschi lay on his back on the floor and she orders him to open his mouth. Once open she starts pissing into his mouth filling it up fast with her golden nectar. He is unable to swallow all of her piss and spits some of it back out so she makes him lick the entire floor clean with his tongue.

These two sisters love to show off their shaved pussies and piss all over just for you to enjoy. The first sister pisses into the sink spraying her golden nectar out of her shaved pussy with great force as you can hear the hot piss spraying all over the place. Then her sister pisses into a glass a total of three time giving you plenty of golden nectar to enjoy!

Fetish-Queen Lucilla is a sexy blonde mistress with an extremely flexible body that allows her to be able to piss into her own mouth and drink her golden nectar without using a glass. She lays on the floor on her back with a leopard print blanket and lifts her legs and back high over her chest. She then pisses and the hot piss flows out of her pussy and straight into her open mouth.

Mistress Nanolou is sitting in a chair wearing sexy pantyhose as she uses her fingers to tease her pussy. She really starts to get herself off as she fingers herself and then she has the sudden urge to take a piss and so while fingering herself she starts pissing. She then stands up and pisses again letting it roll down her legs and on the floor before she takes her hands and plays in her piss and then her pussy.

The pissing Queen Lucilla is busy masturbating her shaved pussy in the meadow with her vibrator when she gets the urge to take a nice hot pee. She lets out a nice long stream of her golden nectar onto the ground as she spreads her pussy letting every drop spill to the ground. Lucilla always gets very aroused and when shes horny she gets the urge to take a nice piss

This hot chick squats down and puts her nice pink pussy over the glass and lets out a stream of nice golden pee and fills the glass halfway up with her sweet nectar. Her shaved pussy looks nice peeing in the glass as she lets out every drop and even misses the glass a little bit letting some drip on the floor. Her sweet nectar fills up the cup half way

Queen Lucilla is a sexy blonde mistress that has to piss so she sits down on the toilet and starts pissing while the camera zooms in on her and you get to watch every detail. You can see her shaved pussy as the fresh hot piss flows out of her and you can hear it as it lands in the water in the toilet. This mistress is pissing just for you to enjoy and get off from.

Mistress Autumn is in the kitchen fixing herself a snack when she has the sudden urge to take a piss but does not want to go to the bathroom. She grabs a glass and decides to piss in it. As she pisses the piss goes into the glass and also all over the floor as she fills it up with her fresh hot piss. This sexy mistress is saving this tasty treat just for you.

Mistress Jenicha is a sexy mistress with a shaved pussy that pisses into a container and saves it for her slave to drink. She lets you get nice and close to her pussy as she starts to piss so that you can see every last detail of the warm piss flowing out of her shaved pussy. She then collects all of her hot piss into a container and saves it for you to drink later.

Mistress Natalee is busy decorating the Christmas tree wearing a pair of blue jeans and a shirt when she has the sudden urge to piss. She has to pee really bad but she does not want to stop decorating so she squeezes her legs together and presses her pussy with her hands to try to stop the piss. She suddenly loses control and she pisses all over the place and soaks her jeans as the warm piss flows down her legs.

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